Presentations delivered by Jo Rogers, BHT Fulfilling Lives and Joe Powell, Rother District Council
Jo Rogers, Senior Manager of the BHT Fulfilling Lives (Multiple Complex Needs Project) introduced the delegates to the “Fulfilling Lives South East Project”.
Jo explained that the project’s Big Lottery outcomes are:
Jo described what ‘the System’ is, and how that is made up of various groups.
Fundamental to the project (ours and nationally) is the model that service users and their lived experience are really at the centre of Systems Change:
Jo finished with highlighting that “Systems change is not simply about implementing new projects; it is about doing things differently, and is a process rather than a project. It requires new facilitative forms of leadership and extensive collaboration.”
Jo handed over to Joe Powell, Rother District Council’s Head of Housing & Communities, to present on the role of partnerships in working with homelessness and people with complex issues.
Joe described the unprecedented rise in rough sleeping since summer 2016, budget reductions to mainstream services, and lack of engagement with services, with the three main target groups being: rough sleeping; begging, and; street drinking.
Joe explained the challenges and the identified potential solutions, including the importance of shared purpose, values and approach across the relevant local agencies and organisations.
Key outcomes include:
The full presentations are available in the Downloads section below.
Martin Fisher, Rother LSP Chair, invited delegates to participate in a Q&A session on all of the mornings presentations.