Martin Fisher, Rother LSP Executive Chairman, welcomes this year’s conference delegates.

Martin gave a warm welcome to all of those who are attending the annual Rother Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) Conference.

He welcomed the guest speakers for the day:

  • Scott Lawrence – Senior Researcher for Opinion Research Services
  • Tom Warder – Housing & Community Engagement Team Leader for Action in rural Sussex
  • Julie Gilbert-King – Borough Commander at East Fire & Rescue Service, and Vice Chair of the Rother LSP
  • Richard Watson – Health Inequalities Programme Manager for NHS Hastings and Rother CCG, and;
  • Marie Jones – East Sussex Fuel Poverty Coordinator at Hastings Borough Council

Martin also welcomed Angela Prickett, Regional Director for Sussex Homes & Communities at Optivo (formally known as AmicusHorizon and Viridian Housing), before giving a presentation providing broad overview for today, in terms of the Rother LSP in the context of Rother’s profile.

  • Focus on homes and wellbeing
  • What can the public and voluntary sectors do?
  • Facts and figures on Rother demographic and relationship to our neighbours
  • Some areas of Rother ranked as in the top 10% of most deprived in England (Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2015)
  • Incomes low in comparison to house prices
  • Rother needs more affordable houses and flats