The Chair reflects on some key points raised in the group sessions.

Martin Fisher sums up the event and raises some of the key issues, which include;

  • Access to services.
  • ‘Online’ only part of the answer.
  • Vulnerable members of the community may lack confidence in accessing services.
  • Assumptions are made about IT literacy due to popularity of Facebook and Twitter – not necessarily confident to access outside of these applications.

Next Steps:

  • Scribes to write up notes from the discussion groups and collate the services identified in the mapping and chatting exercise.
  • Briefing paper to be produced for approval by the Rother LSP Executive Board in July.
  • Briefing paper to be circulated to delegates – feel free to challenge or make additions for consideration.
  • The Rother LSP Executive Board will consider the outcomes from the briefing paper and use these to set the programme for the coming year.

Thanks to all those who attended and facilitated this event.