We consulted with you the residents of Rother in 2002 through our “Tell Us What You Think” Community Consultation. From this consultation, nine Priority Action Areas were highlighted as needing attention.
A Community Forum was then convened in February 2003 where organisations were invited to take the lead on the Priority Action Areas. From this Forum the Rother Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) was formed in May 2003 to take forward the Rother Community Plan. An Advisory Body of decision makers who aim to work together to improve the quality of life for those living and working in the district.
The District Council took the lead role on the process up to this point because Government legislation had required local authorities to establish LSP’s and prepare Community Plans. The District Council is now a partner on the LSP and like other key organisations around the table will work towards aligning its mainstream funding to match the priorities and objectives set out in the Community Plan.
A draft Community Plan was sent to all households across the district in March 2004 for consultation. Action Group leaders are now working up action plans to bring about the necessary changes to respond to the needs of the Community. Some of the actions to bring about an improvement in your quality of life will require us to work towards long-term targets; hence we have given ourselves a five-year plan of action.
We will continue to consult with you over the coming years to ensure that our action plans reflect any new emerging priorities. Likewise we will continually update you on where progress has been made and where renewed effort will be needed.
Only by working together can we succeed and make the improvements we all want for a better quality of life.
The action plans are the collective work of the eight priority action groups, that were established to deliver the Rother Community Plan.
Each of the eight groups have been working within their action groups to pull together their action plans, which are in response to the comments made by the public as a result of the “Tell Us What You Think” Community Consultation in 2002 and the Draft Community Plan in 2004.
For further information or to tell us what you think about the Rother Community Plan please contact us using the details below:
Carol Studley
Partnerships & Community Safety Coordinator
Rother District Council
Policy and Partnerships Unit
Town Hall
Bexhill on Sea
East Sussex, TN39 3JX
Tel: 01424 787858